What is your middle name? Does it carry any special meaning/significance?

I’m beginning to find these prompts quite intriguing as I try to keep my writing juices flowing. I do have several drafts that need to be visited, but sometimes, writing about something completely out of the blue is beneficial for the mind. So kudos to those who began these prompts.

My middle name is Oluwatobiloba. It’s a Yoruba name that means God is the big King. I have to mention though that for the earlier parts of my life I thought my middle name was Oluwafeyikemi (God use(d) this one to take care of me), but one day I came across my passport and my middle name wasn’t that, but Oluwatobiloba. It took a while to get my answer right whenever I was asked what my middle name was, but I caught on eventually.

‘Oluwatobiloba’ is such a testimony of my life. God indeed is the Big King of my heart. He has won my heart over and over with His unconditional love and it would be such a shame if I gave my heart to anyone else. And it is because He has my heart that I’m able to love my husband, children and everyone He places around me.

2 thoughts on “‘OLUWATOBILOBA’

  1. Yours is cool.
    So then I had to look up MY middle name, Elizabeth: “of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Elizabeth is “God is my oath”. Can also mean “God’s promise”, “God’s satisfaction” or “God’s perfection”.”
    Who knew???

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