What is your middle name? Does it carry any special meaning/significance? I'm beginning to find these prompts quite intriguing as I try to keep my writing juices flowing. I do have several drafts that need to be visited, but sometimes, writing about something completely out of the blue is beneficial for the mind. So kudos [...]

Sam’s Stories: Happy 70th Birthday

On the 30th day in December 1952, a special baby was born into this world. That baby grew up to be the most dashing man I have ever met, and I have met many. That baby became a source of joy and encouragement to the people that crossed his path. That baby became a brother, [...]


(Written last week) My sister surprised me on Thursday night all the way from Abu Dhabi. We spent the whole day together yesterday before she left for London to surprise her parents. She had booked a studio session (her birthday gift to me) for a song I had written in 2020 and were supposed to [...]

Spot the Difference

The long story starts here . . . 'You should pack your bag', Boo of life said while sorting through some papers. 'But I don't know where we're going, so you'll pack for me'. That day (October 27) was my birthday and our 10th wedding anniversary. Boo of life had planned a trip for us [...]

I Hope for You

Do I remember how to write? To be honest, I can't tell. I'm struggling even now to string sentences together. It's been such a long time since I wrote anything and I wonder how I've survived. I found in one of my old journals something I had written a long time ago that gave me [...]

My Healing Poster

(I wrote this on my Facebook page some minutes ago. So I've moved it here, because I know it will bless someone who gets to read it here too) I've gone through a lot of mental battles in the past years running up to 2020. I encountered a number of people who made me feel [...]

A New Assignment: DTWMT

At the start of the year, I got the leading from the Holy Spirit to invest time in something that draws from one of the passions God invested in me: teaching bible lessons to children. I was very excited about the prospect, but then I became quite scared as I thought about the implications and [...]

of Gekko Underpants and Contentment

The long awaited day had finally arrived: Bumble Bee's 4th birthday. The night before, Boo of life and I had spent some time decorating the living room with balloons, buntings and honeycomb decorations as a surprise for him the next morning. So much for being born in winter; so far, Bumble Bee has had less [...]

The Fog Within

It was a year ago. We walked out of the house together and stood by the car. Something wasn't right and we both could see it. The windscreen was covered in ice and I knew we wouldn't get far without cleaning it. We had already been through so much together and our exit from the [...]

Non-refundable Love

"Daddy, in my obedience, You tantalize me more than any man can afford. You remain the best Father I could never afford." Tosin This year, a lot has happened in my quaters, as much as it has with the rest of the world. I wouldn't know where to begin if I decided to tell it [...]

3, By Grace!

It's been 3 years since God and I launched this tiny space in the blogosphere. It's been 3 years since my resurrection. It's been 3 years since this seed was planted in the soil and in these 3 years, God has tendered to it and it sprouts a beautiful plant. No matter what happens in [...]

Last Card . . . Check-Up!

Hello family. A happy new year to you all, and I hope your year has gotten up to a good start. I've been absent for a while and all for good reasons: to get some clarity on what the Lord would have us do in this year. A lot has been brought to the table [...]

2020, The Year of the Word – Calendar

Many years ago, my dad, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, began designing calendars that carried messages given to him by the Lord for each coming year. These calendars are printed and given out to anyone who cares to have one, and since we can't print and share them with the whole world, we [...]