All Polished Up

We’re all polished up . . .

On the 11th of January 2019, I rounded up the Intentional Series with this feature photo:

WhatsApp Image 2019-03-11 at 06.51.59

The photo sparked up a conversation in the comment section between my dear sister, Kathy, and I that went like this:


I’m glad you added this part: About Feature Image Quote: “There’s a mountaintop God has purposed for YOU.” – Yes, there is. Now don’t go looking around at other mountains wondering why yours isn’t as high as Kilimanjaro’s or Everest’s. Own your mountain, and get to the top. Make your Creator proud, intentionally!

1. I couldn’t read the quote on the picture header (it was cut off).
2. I much appreciate your interpretation of the quote. God has amazing stuff for us, and it isn’t the same amazing stuff He has for anyone else. He wants us to get our own amazing stuff.


You know I only noticed it was cut through after I had published the post. I should go see how I can adjust it if I can. Thank God for directing me to add that last bit, I really had no plans to originally. God bless you, Kathie, and His amazing stuff for you!

much later, after trying to adjust the photo . . .


I think I’ve managed to crop it a bit and have lost ‘Alethea’s Mind’ in the process, but that’s not as important as the message in the picture. 🙂


lol – if you’ve lost Alethea’s Mind, I’m sure the Lord is only borrowing it for a bit to polish it up. 😂

Little did I know that Kathy was being very prophetic right there.

For a good number of weeks, I’ve been away from Alethea’s Mind. It all started as a ‘Separation/Immersion Exercise’. My husband and I were led at the start of the year to take some time away from our normal lifestyle and immerse ourselves in God. We began cutting off certain things including TV, food, social media and general entertainment. I had no idea that it would involve me cutting off from my blog, but as the season progressed I began to see that God also wanted Alethea’s Mind for some good old polishing like Kathy said. It was tough to let go, but it proved to be the most rewarding thing I have done in quite a while.

In my time away, without directly focusing on what was next for Alethea’s Mind but focusing more on where God wanted me to be in my heart and relationship with Him, He began to open me up to what He wants for this blog, and I have returned to Alethea’s Mind with a greater sense of clarity and direction. (Thank you for praying, Daily)

There will be a few changes to the content of Alethea’s Mind, but the major one I would love to let everyone know is that we have now become AWARD-FREE!

Weirdly, I’m that excited 😀

I’ll continue to appreciate those who feel that Alethea’s Mind is deserving of one award or the other, but I’ll be unable to write a post in response. Thanks for understanding. There are certain tags I may be led to participate in, but if I do not participate in any, I apologise in advance. Alethea’s Mind, in its own way, will continue to bring the much-needed support and encouragement to other blogs and bloggers out there: God will make a way.

I certainly missed my WordPress family and the community solidly built around me, and I am grateful for all who have stayed as friends and supporters of what God is using Alethea’s Mind to accomplish over here. So I’m happy to be back to all the fun and learning and love that we share and look forward to more of all the amazing things God has for us. I also look forward to catching up on things I might have missed while I was away; I trust this post has met you all very well.

Here’s to a wonderful time ahead.

God bless you.

15 thoughts on “All Polished Up

  1. Glad to have you back sis. I will have to remind myself NOT to gift you with any awards going forward. I will miss reading you answers 😦 BUT, I understand why are doing this.

    Can’t wait to see what the Lord leads you to write 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Tosin, you DO bless me so! What an interesting read. Interesting to see what God has polished “off,” and interesting to see how He continues to mold and make you into His image. I hang on every word He gives through you, and am very much looking forward to regular readings and deep spiritual truths. (How amazing is it to think that God uses people like us to speak to others, for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. To whom much is given, much is required. BUT – His grace is always greater.)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. PTL! So glad you had some time away for you and the Lord!
    I loved your back and forth with Kathy, especially losing your mind because the Lord has borrowed it to polish it. 😉
    Looking forward to the moments the Lord will allow me to spend time with you!
    Me and God love you, Tosin!


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