I sat on my computer working myself away. As you can imagine, my to-do list is as long as the Great Wall of China. Unedited portrait galleries, unedited devotion and parenting episode videos, paperwork here and there and a guilty conscience from abandoned/unwritten blog posts. I'm on it . . . To help my work [...]

Sam’s Stories: Happy 70th Birthday

On the 30th day in December 1952, a special baby was born into this world. That baby grew up to be the most dashing man I have ever met, and I have met many. That baby became a source of joy and encouragement to the people that crossed his path. That baby became a brother, [...]

20 Years and a Legacy

It seems like no matter how hard I try to keep up with my writing on Alethea's Mind, there still come moments of silence. These moments are not bad in themselves as I spend them on other assignments, but I'm grateful that I can always come back here and feel like I never left (WP [...]

Insulate ‘Christians’

As I listened to those words come out of her mouth, I became quite ashamed and worried at the same time.

Sunflower Chronicles

At the end of the last term of Nursery, Bumblebee came home with a plant in a cup. During the term, they had planted sunflower seeds and watered them till they grew out as beautiful seedlings. I placed the cup on my famous kitchen window sill and watered it as faithfully as I could. It [...]

The Fog Within

It was a year ago. We walked out of the house together and stood by the car. Something wasn't right and we both could see it. The windscreen was covered in ice and I knew we wouldn't get far without cleaning it. We had already been through so much together and our exit from the [...]

Photography and Truth Series #7 – Building Relationships

"Bridges" The greatest glories and challenges of my life have always come in the place of relationships. My hottest tears, my hardest laughters, my insecurities and greatest moments of triumphs - all laced around a relationship or two. In such moments, I find myself very strong or very vulnerable, but I have never come to [...]

3, By Grace!

It's been 3 years since God and I launched this tiny space in the blogosphere. It's been 3 years since my resurrection. It's been 3 years since this seed was planted in the soil and in these 3 years, God has tendered to it and it sprouts a beautiful plant. No matter what happens in [...]

Photography and Truth Series #6

"Dandelion" Over the period of the lockdown, we've gone on regular afternoon walks. Some of our favourite things to spot are the seedheads of dandelion plants, or what you might call a blowball. I've become quite fascinated by them, especially how with a single breath they disperse their hair-like seeds. Many times we're just like [...]

Photography and Truth Series #5

I don't judge the days when I want to lie in like a lazy log. But even in those days, I have the opportunity to choose not to be STAGNANT. You want to know how? Consider this verse: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are [...]

Photography and Truth Series #4

It's hard, but it's okay. It's lonely, but it's okay. It's stretching, but it's okay. It's uncommon, but it's okay. It's noble and it's okay! It's rewarding and it's okay! It's life-giving and it's okay! It's shame-free and it's okay! It's always okay to stand for TRUTH! - Alethea's Mind

Photography and Truth Series #3

"THAT'S JUST HOW I AM. I DON'T TAKE NONSENSE!!!" We hear these words a lot of times, and we may admire those who live by this mantra as 'no-nonsense' people. We might even want to be like them so that no one will ever take us for granted. But is that the best way? Colossians [...]

According to DQ: Evangelism

Some weeks ago, we walked towards a lady who was trying to pick something up from her front pouch. We exchanged greetings and spoke to her for a bit and as we walked away, my daughter (DQ - she'll be five next month) said,"Mummy, I wanted to ask her if she knows Jesus. It's good [...]

Photography and Truth Series #2

For those who have no voice, speak For those who have no strength, lift For those who have no sight, lead For those who have no light, shine! - Alethea's Mind "I, the Lord, command you to do what is just and right. Protect the person who is being cheated from the one who is cheating him. [...]

Photography and Truth Series #1

"Life is not a race with men but a walk with God" There was a time in my life when everyone around me seemed to be making great strides in their life's pursuits and I felt stuck. I was pressured to play catch-up, but when God gave me the quote above, my perspective changed forever. [...]